How Will You Celebrate Earth Day?

Did you know the first official "Earth Day" took place in the Spring of 1970 and included 20 million people demonstrating their support for environmental justice and protection? In 2020, that number rose to over 100 million participants and we can only hope that this number will continue to rise.
This Earth Day, get outside and enjoy all the beauty our natural world has to offer with these rewarding activities.
What better way to celebrate Earth Day than to join a community clean up near you! Not sure where to find one? makes it easy to find a local cleanup with their interactive map that lets you select your area and a date that works for you.
This is a term coined by the Japanese and can be defined as making contact with and taking in the atmosphere of the forest, or what has more commonly been referred to as “Forest Bathing.” More and more research continues to show the physiological benefits of being completely submerged in the natural world.
Most people don’t realize just how much free food is available right in their local communities. It’s a great way to get outside and learn more about the plants that grow in your region, but before you go foraging in the wild always remember a few helpful tips:
- Safety First! Always be 100% confident when identifying plants! There are many look-alikes that can be misleading. We recommend going out with an experienced forager until you become familiar with the plants in your area. It may also prove beneficial to download a plant identification app to help during the learning process.
- Be Respectful! Always be sure that you know whose land you are foraging on and that you have asked for permission before you pick.
- Be Sustainable! A good rule of thumb is to never take more than ¼ of the crop or any more than you’ll be able to use. You don’t want to decimate the crop, so be sure to leave enough for the plant to continue to thrive.
Get your hands in the dirt and plant a tree, some seeds or do some gardening. Research has centered on the importance of microbes in the soil and how they may affect our health. Each of us contain over 100 trillion microbes, many of which are not only healthy, but essential to maintaining bodily functions. Research suggests that touching and breathing in certain soil bacteria can improve our mood and decrease stress and anxiety.
Climb a tree! Can you remember being little and spotting the perfect climbing tree! Go out there today and find one! It’s good to do something a little scary and a little exciting, plus you’ll get a little exercise too.
Food Waste is one of the biggest environmental issues we face, and composting is a sustainable solution. According to the World Food Programme, one-third of the food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally. Watch this Instagram Reel for 5 Simple Steps to composting at home.
Who doesn’t love a good scavenger hunt?! We absolutely love this Egg Carton Scavenger Hunt from @the.silvan.reverie! It’s a great plastic-free activity that you can do with the little ones and a fun way to explore nature together.